



Vinyl Sync is a music sharing app allowing you to easily discover and exchange tunes with others. The app also allows users to share thoughts about their current favourite tunes, albums and artists while enjoying a distinctive UI/UX for a music-sharing platform unlike any other!

Share your favourite beats in real-time, explore fresh tunes, snap and share 10-15 second song snippets, dive into discussions about favourite songs, albums and genres, while uncovering your friends' music tastes for a deeper connection!

Vinyl Sync is a music sharing app allowing you to easily discover and exchange tunes with others. The app also allows users to share thoughts about their current favourite tunes, albums and artists while enjoying a distinctive UI/UX for a music-sharing platform unlike any other!

Share your favourite beats in real-time, explore fresh tunes, snap and share 10-15 second song snippets, dive into discussions about favourite songs, albums and genres, while uncovering your friends' music tastes for a deeper connection!

Project Info

Project Info

Duration: 1 month

Role: Ideation, Research, Design, Test

Tools: Figma, Adobe Illustrator

Location: Vancouver, BC

Duration: 1 month

Role: Ideation, Research, Design, Test

Tools: Figma, Adobe Illustrator

Location: Vancouver, BC

Features: Home and Profile


The home screen showcases posts from users related to the song they choose to share from Spotify. The posts resemble an asthetic of a cuecard : including features such as like, share, save, redirection to spotify, caption, time when posted, artist, song and album name and its year of release, audiowave bar, album cover art and user display picture.

The home screen showcases posts from users related to the song they choose to share from Spotify. The posts resemble an asthetic of a cuecard : including features such as like, share, save, redirection to spotify, caption, time when posted, artist, song and album name and its year of release, audiowave bar, album cover art and user display picture.

The home screen showcases posts from users related to the song they choose to share from Spotify. The posts resemble an asthetic of a cuecard : including features such as like, share, save, redirection to spotify, caption, time when posted, artist, song and album name and its year of release, audiowave bar, album cover art and user display picture.

The profile section comprises two separate pages for interaction. The first page, as depicted on the right, showcases the user's name, display picture, background image, and their posts arranged in a vertical scroll order. The second page is shown below

The posts, presented in cue card format, feature easily digestible information and are visually appealing with vibrant gradient-coloured artist cover backgrounds and song cover art.

The typography is kept simple and contrasting to the darker gradient blend towards the bottom left of each cue card. The 3 dots act as a button, at the top left corner, to show all featuring artists of the song.

Profile (1)

The second profile page offers users a deeper insight into their musical taste and preferences. Here, users can explore their top songs (which they choose not to share as posts), top albums, and saved posts from other users. The page also features follower / following count, bio and social links.

Profile (2)

Brand Guidelines

Brand Guidelines

Brand Guidelines



Logo Approach

Logo Approach

I utilised Illustrator to design a logo reminiscent of a vinyl record. The process involved multiple iterations, experimenting with various colour schemes to capture the essence of our concept; ultimately, circling back to the original black hue. The logo serves as a means of identification for the product - a music sharing app. A dark colour palette was chosen to match the app's UI.

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/ Arjun

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Feel free to reach out on my email or LinkedIn!

/ Arjun