
The SFSS announced a logo design competition, inviting students to create a logo that embodies the values and spirit of the student society.



Visual Design




Type: Competition

Duration: 1 week

Client: Simon Fraser University

Time: Feburary | 2024


Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator




Simon Fraser University (SFU) is a public research university in British Columbia, Canada, known for its strong emphasis on research, innovation, and community engagement.

I attended SFU from 2019 - 2024 and graduated with a BBA in Management Information Systems (MIS).


The Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) is a student-led organization at SFU that represents and advocates for the interests of undergraduate students. It provides services, organizes events, and supports student clubs and initiatives.


The SFSS announced a logo design competition, inviting students to create a logo that embodies the values and spirit of the student society. They were looking for designs that reflect the identity, community, and core principles of the SFSS, offering a unique opportunity for students to showcase their creativity and contribute to the visual representation of the society.

SFSS Logo Design Research

SFSS Logo Design Research

For designing the SFSS logo, I created a list of student union club logos from the top 10 universities in Canada and the United States. The study aimed to capture inspiration and ascertain the benchmarks and expectations for successful club logos. Among the twenty selected logos, three core aspects consistently surface: the incorporation of a brandmark, a lettermark, or a combination of both. While some logos exclusively featured a brandmark, others integrated both elements. Additionally, some variations included the inclusion of a mascot alongside the brandmark and lettermark, while some opted for a simpler lettermark approach.

To organize my findings systematically, I categorized the 20 logos into five distinct groups, as illustrated in the matrix below the table.

Step 1 : Market Research

Another observation show an abundance of circular logos. These logos are very common, as they provide a sense of symmetry, unity and balance. Circular shapes have a timeless quality that can lend a sense of longevity and tradition to a logo design.

Psychologically, The circular boundary naturally draws attention to the centre of the logo, where the main elements or brand name are typically located. I decided to not go with a circular logo as I aimed to design something unique and uncommon.

It is also integral for a logo to be greyscale friendly meaning that it can be effectively reproduced in shades of grey, without losing its visual impact or essential elements. This is important because not all printing or display methods support full colour. logos such as that of Massachusetts Institute of Technology is an example of a logo that may not be greyscale scale friendly with its gradients. While Harvard’s (and my) logo is perfect for greyscale.

McMaster University leverages its mascot eagle in its student union logo, unlike any other logo in the list. These logos are most effective when paired with widely recognised mascots. (Mickey Mouse for Disney). However, after four years at SFU, I've only just discovered through a Google search that our mascot is a dog named McFogg. Let's set that idea aside for the moment...

The table clearly illustrates that most logos fall under the 3rd segment, which is a mix of all 3 elements of a logo: brandmark, acronym lettermark and a full name lettermark. It would be a good idea to create a logo keeping these elements in mind.

While on the other end, Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania opted for just an abstract logo mark variation. Abstract logo marks can be a good choice for global brands whose names don’t work well across different languages, and with brands with a solidified brand identity in place.

Step 2 : Observations

SFSS isn't just a commodity; it's a student-run organisation at SFU aimed at making a difference. Hence, the logo should evoke a sense of community impact among its members and beyond. It should also emphasise the student-centric nature of SFSS, highlighting collaboration among students to support their peers.

Crucially, the logo must resonate with both members and outsiders, instantly associating it with SFU, SFU societies/clubs, and SFSS core values. To brainstorm ideas, I created key words for the 3 associating factors, and selected 1-2 words from the 3 factors to incorporate into the logo. It is integral for the logo to distinctly represent SFSS's identity.

Step 3 : Design Brainstorming

Brand colour (Red)

Location (Mountain)










Mascot (McFogg the Dog)

Brand colour (Red)

NCAA sports team (Red leafs)

Location (Mountain)

Notable alumni (Terry Fox)

Accolades (Leader in research)

SFU Societies







SFSS Core Values







Final Ideas for logo

Colour Palette and Brand mark

It is only appropriate for the logo to be designed with red hues to vividly capture the essence of the SFU spirit. Additionally, it was essential for the brandmark to incorporate some kind of a mountain visual, symbolising SFU's iconic location atop Burnaby Mountain. This choice not only pays homage to the SFU's physical setting but also serves as a powerful emblem of its identity.


Typography and Elements

The choice of typeface is just as critical as selecting the brandmark. It must convey a sense of empowerment and responsibility. A minimal font like Lao MN is ideal for embodying the significant and serious core values upheld by SFSS. Furthermore, opting for the acronym instead of the full society name ensures the logo remains simple, memorable, and easily digestible.


Symbolism and Brandmark Integration

The brand mark may also feature the iconic flight of stairs leading to the Academic Quadrangle at SFU. A common theme among the core SFSS values is the aspiration for progress and advancement in a student's life. The symbolism of stairs ascending upward embodies this theme, reflecting the journey towards growth, improvement, and success.





Color Palette & Brandmark

Typography & Elements

Symbol & Integration

With key ideas in mind, I started my design process on Adobe Illustrator. I even tried implementing different ideas such as trying out the circular variation or just a lettermark without a brandmark; but ultimately found the right design, most apt for the SFSS vibe, simple, concise, easy to remember and most importantly, full of meaning.

Step 4 : Logo Design Brainstorming

Final SFSS Logo:

I managed to have the logo designed in 4 of the 5 categories. Even though I tried incorporating my logo in the 4th category which is a combination of a brandmark and a full name type font, it didn’t work out. I also figured I wanted to do something different than the original logo, which falls in this exact category





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/ Arjun

/ Arjun


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/ Arjun